Pamela Anderson joins the fight to protect Antarctica’s waters

The campaign focused on increasing the protection of Antarctica’s waters received a huge boost with the announcement that actor and activist Pamela Anderson will be joining the Antarctica2020 group in their efforts to ensure greater protection of the waters that surround Antarctica.

“The world is warming, and the polar regions are warming the fastest. The Southern Ocean — which has buffered humanity from the full extent of climate change — is reaching a tipping point. Thousands of the world’s leading scientists overwhelmingly conclude that if we don’t take immediate action to tackle the nature and climate crises, ice melt will accelerate, and sea water will rise and warm to terrifying levels. This will have disastrous and irreversible impacts on ocean life and threaten human existence.”

Antarctica2020 is a group of high-level leaders from the world of sport, politics, business, media and science, that are using their influence and connections to highlight the need for the full and effective protection of Antarctica’s Southern Ocean, through a network of large-scale marine protected areas that are off-limits to exploitation. These safe havens will help protect this unique and important wilderness and the amazing wildlife that it houses.  

Moreover, addition of Pamela Anderson to the Antarctica2020 group, as a long-time supporter of human, animal and environmental rights and a powerful voice for the planet, is a huge asset for the group and the campaign.

“I have been an activist for more than two decades and see how important it is to radically rethink our relation towards nature and animals. The state of our planet affects all our lives. Many people don’t realize that even Antarctica plays a major role in how our planet functions. We need to do everything we can to safeguard it, which is why I have joined this campaign”, said Pamela Anderson.

The powerful ocean current that encircles Antarctica pumps nutrients to the rest of the ocean globally. Its icy waters act as a global thermostat, regulating the world’s climate system, keeping the planet cool and livable.

The climate crisis is melting Antarctica’s ice much faster than predicted. This is already having disastrous impacts on its amazing wildlifesuch as penguins, seals and whales, all of which are struggling to keep alive amid all these rapid changes to their home It is absolutely terrifying, as we are speeding towards a number of tipping points, that are the point of no return for the region and the planet.

Furthermore, Antarctica2020 is working with its NGO partners including; the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition (ASOC), The Pew Charitable Trusts, Ocean Unite, Sea Legacy and Only One to ensure world leaders agree to take urgent action this year to protect these waters. Through their #CallonCCAMLR campaign, the aim is to focus on the little-known, but hugely important, international body that has the power to protect Antarctica’s Southern Ocean 

– the Commission for the Conservation on Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR).

Three proposals are on the table to protect large areas in the East Antarctic, Weddell Sea and the Antarctic Peninsula, covering nearly 4 million km2- 1% of the ocean.  Despite the urgency of the issue, progress has been slow, and governments have been stalling conservation decisions for years. This is due to being unable to come to the unanimous agreement needed to ensure further protection. In October 2021, when member states meet at CCAMLR’s annual meeting, they must stand together and agree to create three marine protected areas. These areas are proven to protect ocean life, build resilience to climate change.

We really need world leaders to step up their game and show real political leadership. They canmake history this year by protecting these areas in Antarctica and securing the greatest act of ocean protection ever. We must fight for action for ourselves and future generations because there’s too much to lose if we don’t.” said Pamela Anderson.

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