Aged just 14 Kyan Gohill is a racing rarity, a British Asian Professional Racing Driver.

Leicester’s Kyan Gohill made an immediate impression in the racing arena:

“Kyan has come along so much in such a short time.  Other drivers have been doing this for years and years and Kyan is already there in just 6 months”

Dan Stilp, Madcroc Karting

As soon as Kyan got behind the wheel with Indoor Karting, he started winning.  At 13 he moved straight to outdoor Karting and confirmed his presence when he won his first novice trophy in just his second professional race.

“Kyan had a passion for cars from a young age and this progressed into a love for racing.  He has so much raw talent and this cannot all be taught”

Shares Kyan’s father Kay

Now an established Professional Racing Driver Kyan has teamed up with Croc Promotion – renowned for developing some of the industry’s leading drivers – to ensure he continues developing at his incredible pace.

Let’s face it, to keep racing as well as raw talent and a championship team, money is important. So much in racing is down to the equipment and raising the money you need to race for a season can be challenging.  To further prove his commitment this astute young man has set up his own Social Media platforms and Car wash, raising substantial amounts.  Kyan’s social media presence is causing a stir reaching over 23K per month setting him firmly on course as an influencer. 

This growing popularity has attracted the attention of sponsors, looking to develop fruitful partnerships.

“A pleasure sponsoring Kyan and being a part of the next generation of racing drivers”

Albert Wong. Knight Racers

“Never knew Motorsports would be this interesting, great to be one of Kyan’s partners”

Ryan Hill Limited

Also, during the lockdown period Kyan has used his influence to show support for others as a Charity Ambassador for Chequered Flag Motorsport CIC. and Paces. This young man is a complete all-rounder!

Kyan Gohill Professional Racing Driver is certainly one to watch – so that’s why we are sharing his links below:

Instagram – Kyan Racing

Facebook – Kyan Racing

Sponsorship Opportunities

You’ll also be glad to know there are opportunities to join Kyan Gohill on his productive adventure and become a part of this journey. 

“Karting teaches you the race craft; 95% of racing drivers start out by karting.  And just as in motor racing, you need to be super competitive to win!”

Peter Dumbreck

A partnership with this uprising star will bring exposure and networking opportunities with a difference;

Further partnership details please download the pack below: